Projetos Recentes

Explore nossos serviços de telecomunicação e soluções inovadoras.

purple and blue light digital wallpaper
purple and blue light digital wallpaper
Serviços de Internet

Conectividade rápida e estável para sua empresa.

black flat screen tv on brown wooden tv rack
black flat screen tv on brown wooden tv rack
TV por Assinatura

Entretenimento de qualidade com diversas opções de canais.

A person holding a yellow device stands next to an open telecommunications cabinet mounted on a wooden wall. The cabinet contains various networking and telecommunications equipment, including cables, routers, and a device with AT&T branding. A wall-mounted router with antennas is visible to the right.
A person holding a yellow device stands next to an open telecommunications cabinet mounted on a wooden wall. The cabinet contains various networking and telecommunications equipment, including cables, routers, and a device with AT&T branding. A wall-mounted router with antennas is visible to the right.
rectangular brown wooden table
rectangular brown wooden table
CFTV Seguro

Monitoramento eficiente para proteção do seu negócio.

Telefonia Avançada

Soluções de comunicação para empresas de todos os tamanhos.

A Rede Nova transformou minha experiência com telecomunicações. A internet é rápida e o atendimento é excepcional. Recomendo a todos que buscam qualidade!

João Silva

A red and white telecommunications tower stands prominently in the foreground, rising above a densely packed urban area filled with variously colored rooftops and buildings. The skyline extends into a hazy horizon with more buildings and a few additional communication towers visible in the distance.
A red and white telecommunications tower stands prominently in the foreground, rising above a densely packed urban area filled with variously colored rooftops and buildings. The skyline extends into a hazy horizon with more buildings and a few additional communication towers visible in the distance.



Atendemos diversas regiões com serviços de telecomunicação, internet, TV e telefonia, garantindo qualidade e eficiência para nossos clientes.


Rua Thomaz José dias 104 centro Tapiratiba SP, CEP 13760-000


Seg a Sex das 08:00 às 17:30

Sábado das 08:00 às 13:00